
This next story comes from a woman I still have not had the pleasure of meeting in person. I feel very connected to her as we've shared very personal details surrounding the process of coming out of an abusive relationship.  She recently sent me her personal survivor story... which left me in tears. Happy tears! The work that I have been doing has consumed me.  Some days, I couldn't help but wonder if people were getting my message 'Everyday Heroes Against Domestic Abuse'.  Well now I know, people are hearing my message loud and clear...this campaign is working!!  "Nobody ever said that it would be easy, only that it would be worth it."  Another theme that has taken over my life.  But in keeping with the theme of today's blog, I would like to thank BK Cunningham for being brave enough to share part of her story but especially for sharing her gratitude and letting me know my mission is reaching people and saving lives.

Gratitude by BK Cunningham

Gratitude is part of my story. As long as I am alive, there is no ending to my story because my gratitude will never end. I hope this ingredient that is among many within me will produce active fruit that may be directed in a form of helping others when it is clear that it is my turn.

I first became grateful when I found Purple on the well-known website "Facebook". I was very interested in what she was doing, because I had never seen a superhero, and advocate, a powerful woman. She seemed to be all of these as I learned more about her by reading her regular posts. I learned that she was part of a movement, fighting crime and taking a stand against violence on many levels and she was not working alone.

I read stories about how she and a group of others had saved people on the streets at night when there was no one else around to help them. People that were being beat up and injured, attempted robberies,  bullied, all kinds of situations that the streets possess at night when no one is looking...and then they would call the police to come collect these villains. Taking them away and locking them up, saving the victims from God knows what…perhaps death.

I started reading other F.B. posts of people that were associated with the same movement that are making a huge impact on our streets, a new form of assistance, and they are not getting paid. They are doing what they believe in. 

I secretly wished that I had a superhero because I was in a relationship that involved violence, both physical and sexual. I did not think that this situation was typical, taking into consideration that I had a well-earning successful job, a beautiful house, and beautiful things inside the house. It became clear to me that domestic violence does not have a favorite category of neighborhoods or income. But what was really inside this talented woman in the pretty water front house was a shattered, scared, confused and embarrassed woman.

I went to great lengths to keep the truth of my situation a secret, including doing a lot of lying at work to cover up the possibility of anyone finding out the truth of what my situation was really about. I eventually lost my job of many years, because of the violence and the inability to stop it from happening. Fear and threats kept me from picking up the phone. This person was a very powerful person in many ways, both in the community as well as in the home.

This is not a story of what happened and how dangerous an abusive person can be, this is a story about gratitude. You can get the idea from the little I mentioned about the situation that has brought me to gratitude. One day, I combed through Purples information to find out more about her as a person and it turns out that there is a large amount of information about her that she has provided in her F.B. information. I looked at her information almost every day. I would read her story and the description of where she stands today.

One day I thought to myself…I need a superhero to save me! Gee, I wish I could help people like her and take a stand against crime and violence. Within a couple days, the feeling and strength that I obtained from reading Purple’s information began to grow and grow. A few days later, I woke up and got out of bed and told myself that I could be MY OWN SUPERHERO.

Purple's stand on violence and her constant posts of what the superheroes were doing had sparked a rage and strength within me to fight for my own life and maybe then I could help others. As quietly as I could, that very night, I grabbed whatever I could fit in my bag, tip-toeing around my house as if I was a burglar stealing my own things. My heart was beating so loud for fear that I would wake up the person whom was harming me.

I did not know where I was going, nor did I have a plan, other than to escape. I escaped that night, and I drove until I stopped shaking. I slept in my truck and woke up the next morning and I was STUNNED. I decided to get coffee and a newspaper. I had made my first official decision without fear in many years. I was so grateful that I had also obtained not only my physical freedom, but my freedom to make my own choices. My own choices are a HUGE deal for me, and I adore all of the choices that I make as if they are a best friend. Easy or hard, my freedom to choose to me is like a trapped animal that has been freed from its trap. Choices are a very powerful option that I am so grateful to have today because of the strength and power that I obtained by connecting with Purple’s efforts to help those of us whom are being caged up by an abusive person.

I am so grateful for Purple making herself available to me as well as others that I think about her just about every day. I thank God that He led me to her and used her as a tool to fill me with the strength and power that I needed to sneak out that door and reclaim my life.


It is a real ingredient within me that was created by her efforts to empower people whom without help, could not have done it alone. When it is clear to me that it is my turn to help, that will become a part of my story, but for now, my message is to make it clear what Purple is doing is save lives. I am one of the faces whose life has been saved.  I am most grateful for Purple.

B.K. Cunningham


Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum. I have been actively reading much of the website within the past year and I hope to make some contributions in the near future.

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